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Small Relays

Miniature relays are widely used in various electronic devices and home appliances due to their compact design and efficient performance. These relays are small in size and light in weight, but have high reliability and long life, making them suitable for applications where space is limited but efficient control is required. They are often used for signal control and small current switching operations, making them ideal for electronic devices and home appliances.

More Product Questions And Answers

What are small relays and how do they differ from larger types?

Small relays, also referred to as micro or miniature relays, are compact relays designed to fit into high-density equipment and small spaces. They are functionally similar to larger general purpose relays but have smaller footprints, lower profiles and more precise construction. Small relays are commonly used in telecommunication, medical, security and consumer electronics applications.

  • Space savings and higher component density
  • Lower coil power consumption and heat generation
  • Faster switching speed and lower contact bounce
  • PCB mounting options and automated assembly
  • Precise operation and long life
    Limitations to consider are:
  • Lower contact ratings and load capacity than larger relays
  • More susceptible to vibration and shock
  • May require additional protection from environmental hazards
  • Generally higher cost than comparable general purpose relays
  • Surface mount (SMT) and through-hole (THT) PCB styles
  • Sealed and unsealed versions for environmental protection
  • Latching (bistable) types that maintain state when power is removed
  • Solid state output (SSR) types with no moving contacts
  • Vertical, horizontal and stacked contact arrangements
  • Single and multi-pole configurations up to 8PDT
  • Coil voltage ranges from 3V to 48V DC

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